A retrospective look at 2014 and all the things we achieved during the year. Join Kim and I as we share the highs and lows of the last 12 months, and what our simple goals are for 2015.
There is laughter and tears as we step through each month’s events. We held it all together and believe that we covered the most important things we achieved.
It was great to look back and talk about where we started in January and where we ended up in December. It’s only after you think and talk about it that you actually realise how much we got done.
Oh, and some quick podcast stats for you all. During the year I produced 46 episodes, with 48,494 downloads, and many wonderful guests including Tanya Ha, Greg Foyster, Mick O’Connell, Madeleine Booth-Smits (aka NZEcoChick), Amy Webber, Adam Webber, Stacey Warlich, Teena Webber, Kathy Finigan, Kate Nye-Butler, Pam Dawson, and of course my lovely wife Kim. There were also interviews by Ted, Amy, and DR at the Massachusetts Climate Action Network and by Matt and Beau from Reaction Podcast.
Those stats really blow my mind, so I thank you one and all for listening to me talk about sustainable living in the suburbs week in and week out. Don’t forget that if you like the show that you can rate and leave a comment via iTunes using the button under the player.
Thanks again for listening.
Great podcast (although I was a little disappointed there was no song this year, ha!). Love your work Gavin – I don’t comment enough (maybe only once before), but I resolve to do better this year – promise! I really do enjoy reading your posts and listening to the podcasts – keep it up! Hope you, Kim and your family have a wonderful 2015.
Thanks for the feedback Lil. We were hoping that no one would notice the lack of song 🙂
Brilliant year, Gavin. Fantastic to have you on the show. Here’s to a big 2015!
Cheers Matt! May 2015 be excellent for you also!