We think our new double glazed windows are amazing!
This is probably no surprise to a lot of you who live in the northern hemisphere, but down under, double glazing is not the norm. In fact, here in Australia, it is a rarity. Our building codes do not require them to be installed in residential buildings, which I believe is a massive regulatory stuff up. Due to our hot climate, I think they should be mandatory.
Since we had our north facing windows replaced and had double glazed uPVC units installed a couple of months ago, our north facing rooms have been warm on cold days, and cool on hot ones. The difference in temperature from what these rooms used to be like is just incredible. Combine that with the ceiling insulation top-up. our home is now very comfortable and has a stable temperature inside most of the time.
We had our glazing units installed by Eco Home Solutions who were professional. We wanted a sliding half at the top so that we could let the cool evening breeze flow through the house, as we had previously with the older windows. They had this window profile, so we proceeded with the installation of a four windows. Like any renovation work, we did come across a couple of issues which we usually expect.
We found that the fly screens that were initially installed were a little too small and moths were able to squeeze through the gap when the window was open. After a quick phone call, the team installed new screens the next day that were snug and tight. I must say that Kim and I were very impressed with Eco Home Solutions’s customer service. They bent over backwards to fix any issues as they went along.
The other issue was that they accidentally left out the lock, so they swapped out the window handles by manufacturing a new frame in the same day. They sprung into action as soon as we pointed it out, and I could tell that it was no mean feat because they stopped production at the factory and made ours up as number 1 priority. I kid you not.
I couldn’t recommend this installer enough because their customer service was second to none. I would say they are on-par with ecoMaster who installed our insulation. Manny, our sales rep, even brought Kim flowers when he discovered that her mum had passed away. I believe it was a genuine gesture, which you don’t see very often these days.
So what is double glazing, and what is so special about it? Well for the uninitiated, it is a window unit that has two panes of glass with the air gap between them filled with inert Argon gas.
This gap prevents heat transfer between the inside and outside, therefore increasing thermal insulation properties of the windows. In addition to this thermal barrier, it also prevents the majority of sound from passing through the glass. This added bonus of double glazing is often overlooked, and we have been amazed at how quiet the northern rooms are since installation.
Now because the difference is so dramatic, we have noticed that the southern rooms are noticeably hotter on warmer days, which is a bit of an issue. One of the southern rooms is Kim’s office and craft room, which has a very big glass sliding door in it which leads to the swimming pool. This single glazed unit is letting in so much heat, that this will be our next priority.
Fortunately we do not have to get the door replaced. We are going to get secondary glazing installed which is a lot cheaper than the full double glazed units. To install it, they remove the glazing, and then slot in a double glazed unit with additional frame into the old glazing groove.
Anyway, we are saving up our pennies to afford the rest of double glazing, but before that we will get the place professionally draught proofed.
So there you have it. Double glazing is worth the expense in my books. If you are renovating or building, then check out double glazing. You will not regret your decision.
How many of you have retrofitted double glazing in your home, or have recognised the benefits when building from scratch. I would love to hear some of your stories via comment.
We are looking forward to our liveable home this summer, even in extreme heat.
Not sure if you know about it or if it is available in Oz, but there is an air leakage procedure that could be done once you have your reno complete. This was done our our home before and after our work: a huge vacuum pipe is affixed to the front door, and all windows, etc are closed. Then the vacuum is started, enough to create a negative pressure within the home. Readings are taken around the house from every nook and cranny to estimate where any leakage is taking place, and a report is made.
Special attention is given around windows re caulking, and electrical receptacles, etc. houses that are new and extremely tight need an HRV, I think most older homes do not.
Hi Gavin
It’s taken a year of saving but our home is now totally double glazed. The exterior has another layer of insulation being slate hung, even if the walls are 2′ thick. Our doors are sealed and that means one wood burner can heat the whole house as there are no draughts. Our next Eco retrofit is a new roof,, with insulating under felt and a layer of insulation between the eaves, plus insulating particle board for the sloping ceiling. It’s a big outlay but it means we use less and less energy to keep our home warm.
Those window units look great!. Like you guys in Oz, we here in NZ are slow to catch on to the benefits of double glazing – newer houses are being built with it but the majority of the older housing stock is single paned. Trying to convince my 70+yr old dad of the benefits of installing it is doing my head in!. Having lived in the UK for many years, I’m a huge fan and I will keep nagging my dad in order to help him live a warmer, cheaper life!.
We had our insulation done earlier this year too and have noticed a dramatic difference in keeping the house warm over the winter but the warm weather last week left us with an equally warm house. We have a few other things to do first to help cool it (shade those northern windows for starters) but double glazing is something we will consider. My husband is from the UK and I remember him being stunned that I had never heard of double glazing when first we met. He even mentioned triple glazing!
the look lovely. Our house has tinted glass and I find that they are so good, we also draw the thermal curtains when the sun is shining on that side of the house. Double glazing would be the cherry on the top.
Im very sure i would be providing you with excellent service as well given that you are providing a review to quite a large “green” audience of potential customers. Still, they seem to have gone way beyond the normal and should i get that far, i would use them. Still waiting and waiting for the big surprise at our house, they have been out of stock for months. Still i bet they are taking orders. Bit grumpy about it and the air has gone out of my balloon of excitement. Those windows also look very nice on the front of your home. Kim probably cant hear you swearing inside when you find pests in your front beds.
We retro double glazed our house and used a third less wood to heat last winter. DIY was a really cost effective way to go. You really do have to shade all the windows from direct sun for the summer.
We replaced 4 standard (single pane) aluminium windows, and one glass door, in our lounge, family room, and front bedroom. They were replaced with bi-fold and tri-fold doors. Our comfort has increased, and our gas heating bills have dropped. We’re very happy with the decision to double glaze.
We did, however, make 3 mistakes, that might be instructive for others.
Firstly, our Builder advised that we buy some nice timber doors. They looked great when they were new, but now reuire re-staining after 5 years. Not Happy, Jan. When we do the rest of the windows, we’ll be using uPVC.
Secondly, the double-glazing itself turned out to be from China. Within 3 years, we had condensation in 20% of the DG units. Next time, we’ll be using an Australian-manufactured product.
Lastly, the supplier was 300 km. fromwhere we live. From our initial, highly-detailed complaint under warranty, It took us nearly two years to get the sondensation problem solved. And even then, the units were a different colour. Next time, we will deal with a company in our area. I’ve chosen them, and they’re Agents for the samer people who did your windows- Eco Home Solutions.
Gavin, thanks for the great information and inspiration you provide.
Hi John. Great tips. Those three reasons were why we chose Eco Home Solutions. Also, their sales technique was not pushy, and their product basically sold itself.
Hi Gavin,
I’ve tried to reach you via email a couple of times. Did you receive them, or is there another address I can use?
Keep up the good work,
John Payne