If you had the chance to listen to the latest podcast episode, you would have heard the fantastic news.
Kim and I are going to become Grandparents! Adam announced it to the world during the show.
Our soon to be daughter in law Sina is having a baby and she is due a few days before Christmas Day.
We are both very excited, and whilst Adam was here, he was loaded up with gifts and clothes for the baby to take back to Cologne, Germany.
Now as you may gather, having grandchildren is one of those things you look forward to when you get older.
That is because we want to pass on our love, values, and skills to the next generation.
Remember my tag line?
An Ordinary Australian Man Who Has A Green Epiphany Whilst Watching A Documentary, Gets a Hybrid Car, Plants A Large Organic Vegetable Garden, Goes Totally Solar, Lowers Consumption, Feeds Composts Bins and Worms, Harvests Rainwater, Raises Chickens, Makes Cheese and Soap, and Eats Locally. All In The Effort To Reduce Our Family’s Carbon Footprint So We Can Start Making A Difference For Our Children & Future Generations To Come.
Well our little future generation is about to arrive. It has made me think deeply about my green epiphany all those years ago. Really, it’s not about me. It’s about our children and for future generations that we do what we do around here.
It is why I promote sustainable living as a viable alternative to the consumer culture.
It is why we started Little Green Workshops to teach others simple living skills, and so that they are able to buy ethically.
It is why I became a Climate Reality Leader to let people know that they can make a difference, and to open their eyes to the reality of climate change.
It is why our family took personal action to lower our environmental footprint and changed from consumers to producers.
It is why promoting and taking personal actions matter, because it shows future generations that some cares about their future after the older generation is gone.
It is why we learnt to grow our own food so that we can pass on those skills.
It is why I write this blog and record weekly podcasts. It is so there is a meeting place and a point of reference for enquiring minds that want to learn skills that may be necessary, and learn actions you can take at a personal level.
We want there to be a habitable planet, with abundant life, drinkable fresh water, healthy food, and a steady state economy, so that our grandchildren, in fact all grandchildren may have a good life. It may not be the same life that I had, but it will be a good life.
We want to make a difference, even when here in Australia, our Government is hell-bent on digging up every last tonne of coal and coal seam gas and shipping it overseas. It they won’t take action, then it is up to us to take a stand. Personal actions matter as it fills the void created by destructive vested interests. It shows leadership at a local level and people are inspired by honest, trustworthy, and committed leaders.
So don’t be shy. Speak up or do something green in your life. We cannot be bystanders any longer. Lets give future generations a fighting chance by leading by example.
If you think this is a call to action, and you have heard it loud and clear, then leave a comment about what you are doing for future generations.
Congratulations on your new upcoming grandpare to role. Dry exciting times ahead. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane
Cheers Kathy! Looking forward to it.
There’s something special about being a grandparent (we have 3 grandsons) – less pressure (that’s for the parents) and more pleasure as you enjoy this new life.
The only issue is that we will rarely get to see our grandchild as Adam and Sina live in Germany. Skype will be our best friend.
When my daughter was born three years ago we changed so many things to better ourselves and our planet, and the most wonderful thing about it is how much she takes in and now does as second nature. Her favourite activities are planting seeds and collecting chicken eggs; she proudly carries the compost out to the bin and helps chop up the tomatoes from the garden for the dinner. At the shops last week she told her (not very green grandmother) that she couldn’t buy that bottle because it was plastic (very proud mummy moment for me)! Im very excited that my little girl will be green for life simply because she knows no other way, I do hope others will be the same.
Congratulations on the exciting news. We grandparent mostly by Skype, but also by snail mail.
Hi Gavin. We have done all we can to lower our household carbon emissions and live as sustainably as possible within a suburban setting. This has meant using renewable energy, learning to grow food and preserve, reviewing transport choices and reducing general consumption by buying second hand, re-using and repairing. Growing local community spirit through share & swaps, community gardening, etcetera, has been enriching and lots of fun. having difficult conversations with friends has been less fun, yet necessary and a work in progress. All the best with grandparenthood 🙂
Congratulations to you all!
Oh how exciting! Congratulations. I also have a grandson overseas, in America, and was so worried that he would not know who I am. He is six months old now and when he hears Gramdmas voice on skype he immediately looks over to the screen with a big smile. Makes my heart melt! I look forward to hearing how you handle grandparenting from afar, as you always come up with great ideas.