Yesterday I spoke my mind about Sleepwalking into the future. I put my all into it. I picked my words carefully, and I let it rip.
It is something that blog writers and podcasters often do, sometimes to their detriment. Well maybe not that dramatic, as the post only received one comment, so I shouldn’t really form an opinion based on that alone. However, the stats speak for themselves. It was not the most popular post or podcast that I have recorded or written. I just needed to get it off my chest.
I know that the podcast episode was a bit of a downer, I’ll be the first to admit it. Some would rather have the reassuring lie than the inconvenient truth. And that is what I did.
And do you know what?
I am okay with that. Life is not a popularity contest. In the scheme of things, this blog is not that popular.
However, I do know this about this blog, and all its readers. We are a caring community and we are only human. We care about our environment, we care about humanity.
It is the sharing makes us human. It is the caring makes us human. Telling it how it is makes us human.
If anything will get us through the next few decades, it will be the caring side of humanity that does it. Friendship and mateship. Looking out for one’s fellow-man and woman. I for one love being part of this community. It is one of the reasons I get out of bed in the morning.
That is what gives me hope. That is why I have faith in humanity, and that we can turn this train wreck around. When all looks lost and when it looks like governments and corporations don’t give a damn and are just in it for themselves, don’t give up. Never give up.
Fight the good fight, and remember that we are all in this together. And, thanks to the democracy we live in, we all have one vote each. It is our voice.
Don’t waste it whenever you get the chance to flex your voting muscle.
It is far too precious to give away to those who don’t care.
Marcellina says
Good podcast. Saw this late as I was speaking my own mind about other things yesterday. Sharing on Facebook.
marie says
Hi Gavin
I read you post yesterday but didn’t comment not because I don’t agree with it, but because I agree with everything you said. I live this every day, but I do it for me and my relationship with our planet.
I see nothing that leads me to believe that people will ever understand, on the contrary the consumerism continues unabated. I got so frustrated trying to educate and inform friends and family, that I just don’t engage anymore
I won’t ever give up, I’m just so tired of all the greed.
On a happier note. I made your recipe for potato/ leek soup yesterday. It was delicious.
The potatoes and garlic were from my garden, the leeks I bought but it’s on my list to grow them next year
Thanks for all you do
Lynda says
Hi, its me again, ole faithful. hmmm I am so glad that MY world has you in it. Beating the drum for all of us. We just need to find a way to get all the band members playing at the same time so we make music that everyone can hear, and not ignore.
davidrawlings says
Gavin, like other commenters above, I read your post but didn’t comment. I totally, wholeheartedly agreed with your sentiment. I had several goes at a response, but it only came across as being dejected and almost beaten, so I didn’t want to put that out there as it wasn’t very encouraging.
But then yesterday afternoon, I was chatting with several people about changing weather patterns and how dry it is (and is going to be) here in Adelaide for the foreseeable future. The conversation quickly turned to ‘how great the weather was going to be – especially for going to the beachhouse’. At which point I ascended the soapbox and threw in half-a-dozen thoughts from your post, as I felt this was a group of sleepwalkers who needed to wake up. 30 minutes later, and we’re discussing how we should be changing our lives to ensure this ole planet of ours continues … if only to save that beloved beachhouse.
So please rest assured, while your post may not have been mass-Liked or Commented-on, it certainly hit a mark with me … and subsequently my workmates … who were encouraged to read it.
Then I went home and harvested some potatoes and spring onions for dinner. Organic, delicious and only five metres from my kitchen. Plus, they were pulled up by my kids, who planted them. So while I may have lost faith in humanity (as a whole), I still retain some hope in humans, who need to hear the sorts of things about which you were posting.
Keep it up.
theresa says
Keep up the good work for the ones that are listening, and that you inspire…..
Thank you again.
Suzanne carrigan says
I also read your post yesterday and didn’t comment because unfortunately there is so much truth in what you say there is little to add. I also do what I can and put the message out where possible. I do believe more people are listening ….it’s just our stupid government that isn’t paying enough attention. The problem is that the planet will actually survive its the inhabitants who will become extinct.
DJ says
Hi Gavin,
It was a great post yesterday, and like you I am starting to think “train wreck” is the only possible outcome. I’m sometimes overwhelmed by the fact that so many people can’t seem to see what is happening. The changes I have made here at home over the last 6 years or so are personally satisfying but it is hard to watch the consumer culture roll on, and to see governments continue with business as usual when humanity is so obviously living beyond our means.
Often I feel part of the problem, not the solution, when in order to fit in, I don’t speak up when perhaps I should. You on the other hand Gavin, do speak up, and I’m so glad you do! I’m inspired to keep trying.
Paul - Permie (soon to be) from the Mallee says
Have you read what David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture movement, has to say about an inevitable crash? You can read the full piece, Crash on Demand, here:
Or a tl;dr (one-pager) version here:
jax says
Hi Gavin. Love the blog, you talk so much sense. Have you watched the set of short films by Conservation International, powerful stuff. Keep up the good work. Jax in the UK.
jenniferforest says
Keep fighting the good fight Gavin. We need to hear what you have to say, your blog has a very real place in encouraging us all to do what we can. One vote and one garden from each of us might add to something…eventually…if we can get more and more people doing it… but if we are going to develop a realistic response that will tackle the issue on a much bigger scale we are going to needs lots of those one votes and one garden. That’s where your blog comes into play in galvanising those many ‘ones’ into building a much large whole.
curvywitch says
Luckily in Aussie you can’t hear the sound of me ranting or grinding my teeth whenever someone mentions how great global warming will be and how we’ll ‘enjoy’ continental summers; or that as it’s snowing we can’t be experiencing climate change – as I wear a t-shirt and thin cardigan in November. How can people be so stupid or shortsighted. Keep on shouting Gavin – maybe one day they’ll hear us.
On a more positive side the BBC news site carried this today –