Last night, after my presentation, I had a chat with Greg and Sophie, who came along to watch my antics.
Sophie mentioned that their Cohousing community were having an open day as part of the Sustainable Living Festival, so I thought it would be a great idea to help promote it.
Also, Greg also mentioned that they are also having a competition. Here’s the skinny;
“Murundaka Cohousing Community in Heidelberg is having an Open Day on Saturday February 22. Entry is valued at $50 and you can book at Until Friday, the community is holding a free ticket giveaway.
To win, describe in 100 words or less why community is important to you.
Send your entry to with the subject line “Free ticket give-away”. Entries close 5pm Friday 21st of February.”
Well you have to be in it to win it, so if you live in the Greater Melbourne area or close cities, then give the contest a try, or book a ticket to go along anyway. Sophie mentioned that the fee included workshops and veggie/vegan food in the price. Also, part of the proceeds goes back to the SLF.
Sounds like a great day out where you can learn lots of skills.
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