I had a chat to Doug Jones this afternoon, who is the author of Wind-blown, dust and dirt. Jonesy has had to stop blogging due to illness, which he talks a little about during the interview, but loves to read other green and sustainable living blogs.
We also talk about his area, his community, how he designed and built his passive solar house, and about his veggie patch. Jonesy also talks about what keeps him going each day.
Thanks mate for a great interview!
Addendum: Jonesy passed away in June 2011 after a battle with cancer. Here is my tribute post.
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Until next time, stay green and keep keen!
Nice post.
thanks for share.
Hi Gavin and Jonesy. Thanks to both of you for this podcast. I was really sorry when Jonesy gave up blogging, so it’s been nice to hear a bit more of his story from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. Most enjoyable.