Today’s post is over at the Simple, Green, Frugal Co-op and is titled “Planning For Spring“, where I have written about all the gardening activities I performed over the weekend.
I hope you pop on over and discover what I am planning to grow this season.
Unrelated to this, but were part of the audience at the Q&A studio last night? There was this guy in the audience that looked just like you. Regards, Bianca from Perth
Hi Bianca,
No sorry, t’was not I. I must have a doppelganger.
I was watching that idiot, waiting for who I thought it was you to ask him him a difficult question 🙂
Gavin, I have tried 3 different comments to you on the other blog,the one about making your own seed starter,and have gotten a returned email,not accepted. Here was my comment on the composting post.
I have a compost tumbler. That would be a great way to germinate and kill all the weed seeds
before hand. I don’t use mine much, but just might after reading your post on making your own mix. Normally,I’d rather use my chickens for turning my compost, since I use so much. Then I seive it into my wheel barrow and cart it to where ever it’s needed. I looovvvve making compost.