Long time between posts, however still have a good time with visiting relatives. Anyway, I had a bit of a suprise in the post this week.
During the winter quarter, my electricity usage was zero! Partly because Mr Power metre reading man couldn’t be buggered reading my metre the quarter before, therefore a massive estimate was calculated by my power company, however, we did make quite a bit of our own electricity via our Solar PV system.
Here is an edited copy of the bill details.
I am with you here. While we don’t have Solar yet (its not quite affordable), we used no natural gas on the last bill (partly because it was summer and partly because of an over estimate) and I still have to pay a fee $15/month just for the lovely service they provide.
We had a guy come out and give us an estimate. We could put a 4.5 system in for about $16,000.00 and we are not eligible for the tax credits (no liabilities to offset). The system that could be installed would be East facing (to install South facing we would have to remove a row of trees. And would generate (according to our current energy usage) 3 months worth of electricity.
So for the time being I have put that on the back burner and am just lookiing to reduce our overall energy usage, especially natural gas.
Good Luck.
I’m so jealous of your solar power. We just received another (huge) electricity bill, even after being so careful after receiving the last one. I’m going to have to audit our energy usage, something is guzzling up the juice.
We do have solar hot water though, which is better than nothing.
Hey Gav..the perfect post for me right now. I am looking into doing this as my next big project. It is so good to be able to read what other people are doing and what they have learnt along the way. Thank you Gav