The script is exceptionally well written and powerful. It was directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and movie is narrated by Glenn Close.
Here is the trailer of the movie from youtube.
The website says it will be available until the 15th July, so maybe we missed the full movie. I am hoping they will bring it back. However, because I am a nice bloke and have a special copy, I am willing to send one lucky person a special off site backup of this fantastic movie. Just leave a comment and let me know why you think you should receive a copy, and I will select a winner on Thursday 23 July. The judges decision will be final. I hope the film makers don’t mind. If they do, they should have left the movie up on youtube longer!
Have fun!
Andrew and Heather says
Dear,dear Gavin,
I have searched and searched for this film ever since I was told about it by our French woofer.I’m nearly exhausted by the computer skills needed to search and yes ,you’ve probably guessed it…I’m not very computer savvy as yet!Everyone in our household is getting more and more frustrated with me hogging the computer for so long and not getting anywhere.Please,oh please send me a copy of ‘Home’because
*it will bring peace back to my family and we will all sit together and absorb this amazing film.
*I will spread the film’s message far and wide to everyone I meet.
*I am very passionate about the health of our planet.
Of course if there is someone else out there more deserving I will understand(sob,sob)
I find your blog very inspiring and have enjoyed readihg about your journey.Truly well done.
nevyn says
Hi Gavin,
I had a nice little comment all worked out and then I read Heather’s. For the sake of peace and harmony in her home I think she deserves it more than a mltivationally challenged, inconsistent gardner.
And she said such nice things about you as well.
Margaret's Ramblings says
Gavin wouldn’t we all love a copy, It looks a beautiful way to send a message. The music is wonderful, I wonder if they recorded it. I can just imagine playing it while working outside in the garden. If I am not lucky enough to be gifted the copy from you, any suggestions of where I could find it on the web?
Sarah says
I too had a really cool comment thought up, hoping to use the same benefits to family, etcetera….stuff. Heather has been so articulate that I cant even compete. Maybe the lucky winner could start a chain and share the film so that lots of people can enjoy. I have had no luck finding it either, so if there is anyone who knows where or how to find it, please share!
Thanks, Sarah
nevyn says
I don’t know if this is any help but you might want to have a look here.
It explains why the film was reomoved from you tube and also how you can get it. Which is way beyond my very limited knowledge of computers.
Gavin says
Keep trying. As I mentioned in my last post, I now have 2 copies to give away, postage paid to anywhere in the world.
Give it your best shot!
Telela says
Wow – the cinematography and music in this would keep the 4yo, 2.5yo & 1yo captivated for the entire film.
Even better, it comes with a message.
I’ve got to have a copy as it’s benefits far outweigh that of BooBah!
Anonymous says
Hi Gavin and all, I have got a link here that you guys might like. Enjoy!