Well since then, things have gathered a bit of steam. Another concerned blogger, Julie @ Go Greener Australia, has whipped up a dedicated website called (you guessed it), Kev’s Patch. As she is a web designer by trade, it looks very professional and has managed to get the graphic done for free! Have a look at this new site at this address; http://kevspatch.wordpress.com Pretty flash, and well done Julie and thanks for joining the campaign.
Also, Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth has also joined in the fun. She has re-established a veggie patch in the grounds of Buckingham Palace. You can have a look at the article from the Guardian titled, “Queen turns corner of palace backyard into an allotment”.
And have a video tour of the Queen’s allotment by watching this video. I know that she has a team of gardeners to work the plot for her, but it is the simple act of her requesting it is what counts. I hope she enjoys her first batch of tomatoes from her own backyard just like I did!
I suppose the next step for our little band of eco-gardeners is to promote the campaign via the media and get others interested. Should be a fun journey!
If any one else is interested in getting involved with Kev’s Patch, let us know via the site.
At least the Queen has done it before, and Prince Charles is well-known for his commitment to organic farming. Wonder what the Obamas’ background in gardening is? And the Rudds’?