I don’t know how I stumbled across this article from Argentina. It is about a guerrilla action taken by the Red Cross no less.
The original article is translated from Spanish and goes something like this.
"Each day of guerrilla action appears even more creative and to generate buzz. And that developed by Leo Burnett in Buenos Aires for the Red Cross (Argentina division of the Red Cross – Red Cross) is one. To warn about global warming and its consequences, a "man melted" distributed leaflets with tips on how to save energy.
With this action, the institution wants to awaken the conscience of citizens so they can be allies in the fight against climate change.
The Red Cross Argentina spends much of its budget in areas affected by natural disasters such as floods, droughts, storms and so on. And all these disasters are caused mainly by global warming."
This is one of the best campaigns I have seen for raising awareness about Climate Change. I wish I had have thought of it! It would be so cool to do this at Parliament House in Canberra and hand a leaflet to our Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, as he walks out of the building. The media would love it! Then, maybe he will get the message loud and clear about his less than adequate 5-15% emission reduction target for 2020.
And before you all ask where his legs are, the original article did not say. Maybe they dug a hole in the steps!
That photo is amazing! What an effective way to get the message across!