I take the measurements on Friday evenings at 1930. I have now been taking these measurements since 14th of April 07, and have not missed a reading. It just goes to show that I don’t go out much on Fridays! I believe that if you cannot measure something, then you cant make effective changes without accurate information on your performance. A simple thing like reading your meters weekly (or daily if you are that excited about it) goes a long way to understanding your energy consumption in your home.
This week will be the big test, as Amy and Megan have gone on holidays for a week in my Honda Civic Hybrid, so it will just be Kim, Ben and myself using resources in the house. It will be very interesting to see the results. I will let you all know how we got on next Friday.
I reckon it is pretty good that we can generate 50% of our electricity needs in winter for a family of five, and if we had a wind turbine, we probably would get close to 100% of our needs. Just imagine if every house in Australia or better still the world had PV and a wind turbine, we would be able to decommission most of those dirty coal power stations, and maybe, just maybe have a chance at saving the world from catastrophic climate change.
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