Unfortunately this is one test that I can’t study or cram for. It is a blood test, which is tomorrow morning, but at least I have been preparing for it.
I am hoping that because we are now ‘almost vegetarian’ and have been for the last two and a half months (and love it), that it has been enough to at least lower my bad cholesterol levels enough that I do not have to begin taking medication. I don’t want to be dependant on big Pharmaceutical companies any more than I already am which I know is not very sustainable in the long run.
Anyway, I will know the results in a few days time, but in the mean time I thought I would share a veggie loaf that we made the other day. It was delicious, and a perfect addition to our Sunday roast dinner. Not a single animal harmed in its preparation.
Here it is in the loaf tin before it was cooked.
I almost forgot the sprinkle of Parmesan!
There it is after the oven. I don’t have the recipe because we kind of slapped it together. It had chopped onions (grown by me), cooked rice, grated carrots, crushed garlic (grown by me), stuffing mix, rolled oats, 2 home laid eggs (my chooks), half cup of grated organic cheese (my cheese), yellow capsicum (grown by me), bbq sauce, can of 5 bean mix, Italian mixed herbs, dash of chilli powder (grown by me), salt and pepper to taste. It was cooked for 1 hour at 180C.
We served it with roasted potatoes, steamed broccoli, cauliflower and peas, with a rich brown gravy. A veggie meal fit for royalty!
If eating like this doesn’t lower my cholesterol levels, then I will be very surprised indeed. Fingers crossed!