I wanted to wash my cheese clothes after making Parmigiano-Reggiano last night and realised that we had run out of our regular stuff. So I ferreted around and found the bag of soap nuts that Hope sent me in January this year.
Here is her email;
Hi Gavin,
I just read your entry on soap nuts. I got mine in a health/green shop in Yarraville but I’m sure they would have them at a health shop nearer to you. Also when I was googling soap nuts there were a few places that will deliver to you. My packet says “handpacked with care from tambourine mountain”. Not sure if that means the soapnuts were grown there or if it was just packed there.
I didnt really like soap nuts as my clothes still smelt dirty after I had washed them. I still have a bag of them if you would like me to send them to you free of charge? That way you can try them and see waht you think and I wont have to throw them out.
Oh, I saw you on the 7pm project as well 🙂 and the Vasilli’s garden youtube clips. It was pretty cool, and he seemed impressed that you didnt have any leaf curl 🙂 My leafcurl has seemingly gone away all by itself and with all the rain and sunshine my peach tree has added about 1metre of growth since winter!!!
Oh, and I liked your tips on getting rid of earwigs, still have to try it out.
Thanks Hope, the soapnuts arrived safe and well. I love her passion for sustainable living, and she was so kind for sending the bag of soapnuts which she didn’t use any more to me! I am so, so sorry for taking ages to follow up on them.
Anyway, always ready for a photo opportunity, my daughter Amy took a few photos of how I used them today.
After a bit of smashing, I threw them into my front loading washing machine.
I added white vinegar as the rinse aid for the cheese cloth as I have found that it kills any bacteria and dissolves any cheesy residue. I set the washer to cold water and for a 30 minute express wash.
Finally, to give the company a plug, I used Wild Soapnuts. The verdict? Well the clothes smelled nice and fresh, and clean enough to use in a cheese making session tomorrow, if it rains? If it doesn’t rain, it is back to the chook house to put up some more wire (I hope it rains, I love cheesemaking).
Well that was fun, and they are so easy and natural to use. Why wouldn’t you use soapnuts? I think they are cool and so easier than using detergent! Call me a convert.