Yes, I’m sick. Sick and tired of the way our Government is eroding every single environmental agency and target we have, and is brazenly anti-science.
I’m sick that we have little action on climate change in this country when the rest of the world is forging ahead.
I’m sick that our fully functional price on carbon was rescinded by short-sighted politicians with little thought for future generations and only focused on profit and greed.
I’m sick of the political ping-pong that our Renewable Energy Target has become and in the process stifling investment in renewables across the country. It needs to stay the same or increase because it is the only real action this country has on climate change in the current political vacuum. How many more enquiries does the Wind industry have to go through and why doesn’t coal-fired power stations which are heavy polluters not under the same scrutiny?
We have sunshine in abundance. We have steady winds in many places throughout this wide brown land.
So why is the Government putting a noose around the neck of renewables all the while cheering on the fossil fuels industry? It is shallow thinking, short-sighted and just bad leadership. Leadership of the worst kind.
In fact in all my years, I don’t think I have ever seen a government so hell-bent on the destruction of our land and our planet. It is shameful.
That is why I am raising my voice. That is why I am speaking out where ever I can. I shall no longer be politically agnostic (not that I really was), because when there are bad things happening, one should not be quiet. One should stand up and be counted.
I will sign any petition, attend any rally, get the message out there any way possible, because we all need to do more, government and citizens alike, to solve the climate crisis and put a price back on carbon. It is the only way we are going to get any traction on this, the biggest issue mankind has faced. The time for inaction is over. The time for action is now!
Who else is sick of this bull? Hands up!