What do you do when you’ve been feeling crappy sick all week? You get out in the garden and check out the spring flowers that nature has provided you and just enjoy the moment!
Let me share my walk around my garden that helped cheer me up. Better than a walk around the Chelsea Garden Show I reckon and a lot cheaper (tongue in cheek).

A Zig Zag of Soursob (since weeded)

Pink Cyclamens

Mizuna flowers (so I can collect seed)

Variegated Cyclamen that grows back yearly

Purple something (Kim planted them)

Pink and White


White Daisies

Pink Cyclamen

Pink and Purple Daisy

Santa Rosa Plum Blossom

Pear Blossom

Apricot Blossom

Nectarine Blossom

Peach Blossom

Rosemary Flowers
I should be back on my feet early next week and am on the mend and back in the garden to start planting out our spring vegetables.
Besides with all of these gifts from nature, I just love this time of year, don’t you? Maybe that’s why it’s called Spring, because it puts a spring in your step!
I was expecting your usual thorough research and Latin names for all your blooms. Love your lilac “Somethings”. LOL
You noticed that I was a bit lax? Just using all my energy to get better 😉