It is oft said that company makes a journey far more enjoyable. I don’t know who first said it, but they were certainly right.
Imagine my surprise, (more like bursting with pride) when I checked my Facebook timeline the other day and found this post.
It fills me with joy that Kim is my life partner and is sharing the journey that we have chosen, along side of me.
I do not lead. She does not follow. We walk side by side in the quest to live more sustainably each day. Some days we win, others are not so victorious, but we travel together, always.
I don’t think that I have ever said that sustainable/simple living was ever easy (well maybe once). If I have, then I must have had a few too many home brews that night when I was writing that post! But don’t get me wrong, it is certainly a lifestyle worth pursuing, now more than ever.
In a society that embraces the consumer culture as the norm and living in the rat race is an everyday occurrence for most, it makes me feel incredibly alive that I left that lifestyle behind long ago. The hedonism of today is a disease inflicted upon many who follow it. Constant need for entertainment, consumerism gone wild, mixed in with bouts of boredom, guilt and financial stress. It doesn’t seem worth the hassle to me or the financial heartache, because I know from experience that it will more often than not end in tears and suffering.
Give someone a suburban yard with space to grow veg, raise chooks, plant a couple of dozen fruit trees, among other green endeavours and living a simple life with an understanding partner and family that supports them, you will find a very happy individual. For they have built and grown an honest and practical life for themselves, learning skills for the future–whatever that may bring–leaving behind the trap of consumerism.
That is why I am so thankful that Kim wrote that Facebook post. It may seem like such a little thing, but it confirms to me that we are indeed on the right path and gives me the courage to keep keeping it real.
So today, wherever they may be, here’s to supportive partners everywhere. May they be loved and treasured and travel together far sharing the journey for a long, long time.
We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile. ~ Earl Nightingale
This is the meaning of romance to me 🙂 Great read Gav and oh so true!
Thanks Emma! I am an old romantic. Well that is what Kim says anyway!
Beautiful post Gav. You are truly a wise and blessed man.