During our recent soap making frenzy, we have also started to produce some soap making tutorials, mainly for our Little Green Workshops customers.
However, I thought that it wouldn’t hurt if I shared them here on my personal blog, as I know that many of you are interested in soap making at home as well.
The first video we produced was titled “Care with Lye” and it takes away some of the fear and uncertainty that people may have when using lye (aka Caustic Soda) during cold process soap. I talk about safety, how to use lye correctly, and how to pour the lye water into the oils before you begin to mix the soap, which begins saponification.
Then it was into the wooden soap mould with the batch, and insulated with towels for 24 to 48 hours to complete saponification.
Now if you find yourself time poor, we also have some soap bars for sale. We make so much soap now made for workshop demos and tutorials that we needed to find another outlet besides selling to friends and family. No two batches are the same, so get them while stocks last.
So if you want to subscribe to the Little Green Workshop YouTube Channel, you can do so using the subscribe button below. You may even get a little surprise as there may be a couple of videos that I haven’t listed yet!
I won’t always post the new video tutorials here on TGoG because I am trying to build our other brand and blog on the Little Green Workshops site. If you want to be informed of new soap tutorials, it is best to subscribe.
Don’t forget to give the videos a thumbs up if you like them!
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