There have been a few articles written about my part-time sustainable media empire of late (see below). Bit overwhelmed by the bloggy love coming my way!
The first was written about my podcasts in particular by Massachusetts Climate Action Network. They wrote an article titled “Podcasts Worth Perusing: The Greening of Gavin“. Apparently it is just worth listening to for the Aussie accent? Oh, and all the sustainable stuff too. I particularly like this passage;
“A couple of years in he began blogging about the transformations he, and eventually his family, were making. Eventually his part-time sustainability media empire has grown to the blog, the podcast series, a second podcast series and website about making cheese at home, and several e-books. I’m sure there’s a major Hollywood movie just around the corner…”
They mustn’t have stumbled upon the YouTube channel! It was a great article, and it was totally unexpected.
The second one I might have mentioned before. It was a short article about the top 5 food YouTube channels. Mine came in at #3 due to all of the cheesy goodness I like to produce. Humbled to be considered at all, let alone in the top 5!
Also two great book reviews for my 5th eBook “Keep Calm and Make Cheese“. Both appeared out of the blue, and both reviewers bought their own copy of the book before I had a chance of offering one for free.
This one from Ian Treuer who runs the Much To Do About Cheese. The review is titled “Want to make cheese but don’t know how? Keep Calm and; Get This eBook!“. Ian is another of my cheese buddies who lives in Canada. Cheers Ian!
The other book review was from our friend Liz Beavis aka Farmer Liz from Eight Acres blog. I interviewed Liz a while back on the LGC podcast episode 2. Her review is titled “Quick cheese for busy people“. Thanks Liz.
And finally an article I wrote myself for our local water utility, so a shameless plug really. They have a nice little newsletter called “The Watering Can” and my garden featured this month. The article is called quite simply “My Garden in August 2013“. It is a local piece for local gardeners.
So quite a nice bag of articles. It just goes to show that by “being everywhere” in most media formats and using this blog as a home base, I can spread the sustainable living work more effectively. Nice.
Move over Ruppert! I may be small, but I pack a punch.
Well, they are all excellent Gavin. Congratulations, it is well deserved!
By the way did you catch the Dick Smith Documentary last night called $10 bucks a litre?
Thanks Lynn. What station was it on, so I can check it out on catch-up.
hi Gavin
it’s good to see the efforts you are making are gaining ratings
I don’t go anywhere near what you do but for some reason I have had 3 approaches recently. I gave a chook keeping talk to a local community garden meeting, wrote an article on bee keeping in the suburbs for a local newspaper and was also interviewed by a journalism student asking about bee keeping for a major assignment for her degree
and a little while ago I was interviewed by a local commu nity radio station about bee keeping. and I am a relatively new bee keeper
I can only dream of becoming internationally known 🙂
Claire in Kalorama
Well done Claire on your articles and radio spot. We need more passionate beekeepers to spread the word, and still up for the pollinators.
Gav x
Congratulations Gavin. These accolades are well deserved as you keep us informed about living sustainably.
Thanks Jean.