This weeks episode is the start of a mini-series that I have titled The Failing Suburban Experiment. This particular episode is all about car dependency and what may happen to suburbs without them. I give you the good, bad and the not so ugly view of energy descent.
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Until next time, stay green and keep keen!
Wonderful listen. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
thanks Shirley.
Gav x
Oh bloody hell Gav, i just gave Jessie our bikes, LOL. Goodnews is IGA about 500m away and bus stop out the front of our house which goes to railway station. Vegies growing (tick) Chooks on site (tick) Fruit trees coming (untick). My employer lives on 12 acres that does nothing but grow trees which fall over and rot. Fire wood for free but oh what a waste. The blackberry bushes are wild but they poison them so not even fruit. I think they have been there done that and not interested anymore so it just sits there. Good podcast.
Cheers Lynda. Sounds like you have a walkable community, which I will touch on in one of the episodes.
Gav x
Oooh looking forward to your thoughts on this one. Having lived for 9 years in the outer suburbs of Sydney, where you had to drive to the supermarket and to get anywhere etc etc, and then moving to live in the middle suburbs of Melbourne, I know which one I prefer!
Now just to get our politicians and fellow community members up with the public transport, higher (not necessarily high) density living, local shopping strips viewpoint. There’s a lot of research into “high walkable” suburbs and how they’re associated with lower rates of obesity and other great side-effects.
Hi Sonia, I agree. These things are never on their agendas, until it is too late of cause. Their solution is to build another freeway.
Thanks for listening, and I will produce another episode some time this week.
Gav x