I recorded a great cheese making podcast episode last night, where I talked about all things milky. Yes, milk is one of the topics that most home cheesemakers need a little more information because not everyone has access to fresh raw milk straight from their own backyard herd. That stuff in the store is confusing.
I discuss the common types of processing that milk can be subject to before it arrives nicely packaged in the fridge section of your store.
The episode also features a news item about Bruny Island Cheese Co, which you may has seen on the TV show Gourmet Farmer on SBS. Nick Haddow is a well deserved winner, as are all artisan cheese makers!
Jean Michel from Nice, France dropped me a line with a couple of questions about microfiltered milk, and Tangela asks about home made cheese presses.
All in all, an entertaining episode.
If you are interested, pop on over now to Little Green Cheese to have a listen to the show!
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