Did you know that glass can be the cause of around 10-20% heat loss in winter and around 25-35% heat gain in summer.
Windows are not a very good insulator at all and are a bit of a mixed blessing. You can let a cool breeze flow through at the end of a hot day and it can let out VOC pollutants and cleanse the internal air.
Double Glazing
DIY Double Glazing
Natural Coverings
Also with the aid of curtains, we also cover the insides of our windows on hot days and cold nights to stop heat transfer either way. However, curtains must have a very important feature in which to work more effectively and that is to install a box pelmet.
Closed Pelmets
This example is a Holland blind with a closed pelmet in Kim’s office, which was installed during the last retrofit. This room is on the south side of the house, but stays quite warm in winter.
We were able to retrofit about 17 of our windows to thermal double glazed – the ones on the south side also have a coating which reduces UV coming in (south being our sunny side)- all entirely thanks to a “green” grant the federal government was offering, which was matched by the provinicial government – worked out to almost $100/window. WELL worth it. It was done last Feb (our winter), and we felt the difference immediately. For the remaining windows (all heritage age) which we could not replace without losing the architectural attractiveness, such as there is of it, we had storm window constructed – a cold climate answer to plantation shutters….they do the same thing, but we install them on the outside of the window through the cold season. I knew curtains were helpful, but never considered the need for a pelmet at the top – thanks for that tip!
you can also tint the windows using the exact same stuff you us to tint car windows it comes in a kit form
Thanks Gavin, I think I’ll need to look into getting an awning for our big North West facing lounge room window. It is on a gable wall and as such has no eaves. It’s wonderful in winter but is a massive pain during summer. I think this would do the trick. Cheers!
We are in the process of retrofitting our windows. We are sourcing the material from this company
Alan has been out to measure and the costs are very affordable.
DH is doing the work one room at a time.
You do need to be a handyman but it is very achievable.