Great cheese making workshop today!
I taught a Mozzarella cheese course a group of people out at Roxburgh Park, to the north of Melbourne. The venue was the Homestead Community & Learning Centre which is a beautiful old building in the middle of the suburb.
There were 8 students, four at a time, in quite a small kitchen. However we overcame all obstacles, and got an 8/8 strike rate for the cheese. There were lots of people taking photos so I hope to get a few sent to me which I will post at a later date. I was run off my feet, so unfortunately no pictures from me today. Sorry about that.
The course was free for the students, and it was subsidised by the Hume City Council as part of Living Green Program which promotes a greener lifestyle to the local community all for free. It is a great initiative, and one that I was proud to be a part of. If you live in the area, check out the many workshops.
It was a real blend of cultures, and quite a few of the students told me how cheese makers in villages back in the old country used to make cheese for all villagers. They only ever made one type of cheese in their village, so they were so surprised when they came to Australia and saw the many hundreds of cheeses available on the market. There were so many great stories about the old way of making cheese.
Whilst I was teaching, Kim kept the other half of the class busy with information about courses and sustainable living on the veranda, and sold quite a few cheese making kits.
This was everyone’s first time at Mozzarella, and all were pleased with the results. I have been invited back in the new year, so am looking forward to meeting many more interesting people.
Thanks for having me, I really felt like part of the community!
Good to see some green living programs happening. Love your motto of keep calm and make cheese! Not sure what mine would be – have to think about that one.
I was really impressed as well Linn. Not many local governments around here have that type of free program.
The logo was created by one of my readers of my cheese blog. it is pretty cool!