“The Good Earth
Got a ripper show coming up this week on the 1st Saturday in May with Michael O’Connel when we interview Penny Woodward about pest and natural remedies in her new book Pest-Repellent Plant.
And if that wasn’t enough, we present part 1 of an interivew with Gavin Webber whose blog “The Greening of Gavin”www.greeningofgavin.com won Alternative Technology Association’s sustainable blog competition.
Plus our usual segments including “This Month in the Garden”. Don’t miss out – set your alarm for 10:00am Saurday and your radio on 94.1FM 3WBC or live on the web at www.3WBC.org.au.”
We will be tuning in at 10am Australian Eastern Time tomorrow. For those readers not in Melbourne you can stream live via the web. Part 2 will be next month.
Then, I have lots of gardening and odd jobs to do around the place. Planting the snow pea seedlings, cleaning out the chook houses, and putting a solar light in the chicken run, so I can see what I am doing when I put them to bed at night now that the nights are dark early.
I will also be installing a hose outlet somewhere after the new pump so that I can connect a garden hose to water the herbs and trees in pots from the rainwater tanks. Haven’t quite figured out where or how, but I am sure I will sort it out.
On Sunday, up early to get the Sunday Age newspaper, because there is a story about this blog and I in the Domain liftout by Michael Green. It should help to spread the word about the benefits of simple/sustainable living. I am very excited to hit the mainstream media.
Then we are all off to Castlemaine to visit the Farmers market, see the Steam Train, have lunch in the Botanical Gardens, and visit the Museum. It should be a great day, and I believe it is one of the sustainable towns within Victoria. Should be lots of like minded people to take to.
I have also been reading lots of research papers about peak oil, community resilience and psychological resilience. I am also half way through the Transition Handbook, which is a fantastic read. Stay tuned for a few very interesting posts about resilience over the next few days.
I hope you all have an exciting weekend ahead of you. I promise to take lots of photos to put up on the blog. Have fun!
sounds a good and busy weekend…lots going on! enjoy!