Remember back when I wrote the post titled “Climate Irony” a few weeks back? Well, to refresh your memory I was ranting about the Governments lack of vision by cutting funding to climate change mitigation projects to pay for the climate induced floods and cyclones that we have been having here in Australia. Sheer madness was my conclusion.
Well guess what? With a little bit of people power, GetUp!, the independent MP’s and the Greens have managed to convince the Government to keep the Solar Flagships Program and to bring some of the defered funding forward. What a great outcome.
Here is how it panned out.
Now wasn’t that a constructive petition, that I signed? I like people power! If you really feel in your heart that you want to thank the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard and Senator Bob Brown for working the deal then thank them both via Twitter if you have an account. We can’t bag them all the time, so now for a little positive reinforcement. Go on, press the icon, and share the love.
I was very impressed with this too Gav. It is amazing what 40 000 people can do if they act quickly on their convictions.