Remenicent out of a scene from the movie Planet of the Apes, Greenpeace stepped up their campaign against Nestle’s use of palm oil in their chocolate bars like Kit Kats. Essentially Greenpeace did what they do best, and crashed the shareholder meeting with a mass of Orangutangs!
Quite effective, don’t you think? Nestle have since stopped directly using palm oil sourced from Indonesian supplier Sinar Mas, but are now indirectly buying it via other multi nationals.
I hope Greenpeace and others who care about this species and other affected by deforestation continue to campaign to stop the rot!
Thanks for sharing, I love it! People in ‘monkey suits’ always get great attention!
At the risk of sounding flip, maybe Nestle would change it’s pratices if the Board of Directors and Shareholders found themselves having to personally house and care for the homeless Oranutans.
Needless to say all Nestle products are banned from my home.
I would have loved to have been there when the ‘Orangutans’ came around the corner.
I just left a nice little comment then pressed ‘save’ and poof it is gone…….no where to be seen.
Well to recap I Love This Video. I love the creativity of it. It captures people’s imaginations and inspires them.
Angry environmental messages that make people feel powerless and guilty is not the way to win people’s hearts and support.
Well done GreenPeace!
I have no faith in Nestle as a corporate citizen. In my opinion they have no scruples whatsoever! Their promotion of, and dumping of infant formula in third world countries is a disgrace for which they show no shame.
Nestle products are also totally banned from my home.