I have not been well of late. I have been under the weather for about a month now.
I won’t go into the gory details but it looks like I may have Diverticular Disease. It is certainly not a nice condition to have, but suffice to say the symptoms, pain and the medication has kept me away from one of the things I love doing, and that is living and writing about sustainable living, and the day job that I enjoy.
Depending on how I go over the next few days, and if it doesn’t settle down, I will probably be admitted to hospital for an nice big dose of IV antibiotics to kill off any persistant bacteria that has caused bleeding. Like I said, not nice. Then I get the pleasure of receiving a colonoscopy to check out what is really going on in the nether regions once the large intestine calms down a bit. All I can say is thank goodness for modern medicine.
Anyway, enough medical stuff for one day. It is off to bed early so that I can muster myself into work tomorrow. If I am not around much, I wish you a happy Earth Hour, but please don’t just celebrate the hour. Think of it as the stepping stone to a great sustainable lifestyle and do a bit of research about the real big issues facing us all today.
Oh that is no good, hope it settles down without the antibiotics. A colonoscopy isn’t so bad (I’ve had one) it is the preparation beforehand that is probably the worst part. Lets just say, you will be well acquainted with the toilet 🙂
Hi Pip,
Yes I know what you mean. I have had the procedure before, and the prep is a bit ordinary.
Gavin, you don’t know me, but I lurk here quite frequently. I am so sorry you are going through this.
My husband suffered on and off for 15 years. Please ask your doctor what his treatment philosophy is. Nobody here mentioned that one or two events is okay, but after the third, you have to consider a more permanent fix. Wish he had “fixed” it years ago instead of suffering for so long. He has been free of symptoms (you know what I mean!) ever since!
Please take care of yourself! The blogosphere is thinking of you!
I am sorry to hear that you are not doing well. Wishing you well. Sending healing thoughts and hope that your feeling better soon.
Oh Gavin, what a shame….I am thinking of you. If you feel like a break sometime, bring Kim and come and stay in Tasmania with me.
hope things get better for you gav. been sick isnt the best thing.
Hi Gav
Sorry your not well sending healing thoughts and love get the best help you possibly can and soon you will be chipper once again
Love Ellie
Hi Gav,
Very sad to hear that you are experiencing at a serious health issue. I hope things pick up for you soon.
Kind Regards
The Webber Dilema’s just keep rolling in don’t they? When Good Luck finally reaches the Family it will be in an abundance I reckon because goodness knows the Bad Luck has been plentiful!It’s easy to say “Stay Positive”, but much harder to swallow. Thinking of you guys
Sorry to hear you haven’t been well, Gav 🙁 Best of luck with the treatment, and fingers crossed for a full recovery. You and Kim will need a bit of a holiday when all this is done!
Hi Gavin, Hope to feel better soon enough and that you make a full recovery!
I am thinking of you and wishing you the best!
warmest regards,
Hi Gavin,
Hope you are feeling better now? You have my sympathy – Diverticulitis runs in my family (BOTH sides). My Mum just had a section of her bowel removed because of it and is still recovering… All the more reason for me to be really watching what I eat!
Best wishes,
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. It has certainly helped. I am still have abdominal pain, so I expect that I will be admitted for the IV antibiotics tomorrow morning. If I am a bit scarce, then I know you will accept my apologies.