Community Announcement. My family and I will be there, will you?
12pm – 12/12/09 – State Library, Melbourne
12pm – 12/12/09 – State Library, Melbourne
This year, we’re sending a safe climate message to the world. Are you in?
This December, our world leaders are gathering to decide how much they’re prepared to do about climate change.
Join thousands of Victorian individuals and families concerned about climate change at this year’s Walk Against Warming, and help us form a massive human sign on Princes Bridge – a sign so big they’ll get our safe climate message all the way over in Copenhagen.
The Walk Against Warming is Australia’s biggest day of community action on climate change. Similar Walks will be happening across the country, and across the globe as communities everywhere come together to tell their leaders they want action for a safe climate.
If you’ve ever replaced an old light globe with an energy efficient one, taken public transport instead of driving, switched to Green Power, or worried about the kind of world you’re going to leave to your kids, then the 2009 Walk Against Warming is for you!
So get your community, family, kids, friends and everyone else you know all together… and get them to Walk Against Warming on December 12!
Help us make Melbourne’s Walk Against Warming HUGE…
Spread the word – please forward this link far and wide if you live in the Greater Melbourne area.

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