I have decided to turn on moderation for my comments. I was recently threatened verbally by persons who shall remain nameless, so I will be censoring all comments via moderation for a few weeks until this hullabaloo dies down.
My sincerest apologies
greenfumb says
Im very sorry to hear that Gavin. Just goes to show that you are making someone feel uncomfortable but
dont worry I bet Al Gore gets verbally abused all the time.
I am going to phone a solar energy company next week and get a quote and that is a direct result of reading your blog.
Anonymous says
I hope it blows over soon Gavin.
I have only just discovered your blog and i am enjoying reading it
SubtropicalHappiness says
If you can’t say anything nice just be quiet I say.
I moderate all mine to due to a past experience on my former Blog.
Keep up the good work Gavin and family
Busy Woman says
sorry to hear that gavin. I too moderate for a similar reason, although mine was links to porn and money making sites etc.
Don’t let it stop you doing what you do. 99.999% of us think you are great!! :>)))