Today, Kim and I had the pleasure of a visit from Kate and Roger (Hills & Plains Seedsavers). They arrived via train and I picked them up from the station at about [10:30]. I recognised them both straight away, and into the car and off home we went.
The first thing on the agenda was a nice cup of Rooiboss tea, a choc chip biscuit, and a chat about Kate’s world wide adventure. You could see the excitement in her eyes as she told us of the places she had just visited, and I could tell she was still on a natural high.
After tea, it was time for a tour of the garden, and we looked at the veggie patch and swapped tips about all things of the vegetable variety.
Then we checked out the solar PV system, worms, compost, chooks, and discovered that the chooks had laid already.
This is what we found.
It weighed in at a whopping 81 gm. I dare say it is a double-yolker.
Then Kim called us in for lunch and we sat down to a nice lunch of Quiche that I made yesterday, and salad and chat potatoes.
The meal was sensational. It was the best quiche I have ever made. Mind you it was only the second quiche I have made, so I could only improve I suppose!
After the meal and some more chat about everything green, we finished off the garden tour by having a look at the fruit trees and the initial effort of a veggie patch in the front yard.
We then proceeded inside again for another cuppa and talked about all sorts of green things. Kate told me about a method she uses to water plants with terracotta pots as a wicking device for water intensive plants like lettuce and celery. I will try it out when I plant my lettuce for the summer.
Then it was time for Kate and Roger to leave, so I took them back to the station and after a hug & kiss from Kate, and a strong handshake from Roger, it was goodbye for now, and they offered Kim and I a chance to visit them in Adelaide. Both Kate and Roger are very nice, like-minded people, who are most welcome at our house anytime.
We will certainly take them up on the offer sooner rather than later. We better get in quick, before Kate decided to head off for another sojourn!
If you want to read the days events from Kate’s perspective, have a read of "The Greeting of Gavin".
What a great day, and one Kim and I will talk about for a long time to come.
hey, nice one guys, community building in acton! theres more than one blogger to visit when you make that trip…pizza awaits!
You’re on Kel! I can taste the pizza now.
See what happens when a Wombat kisses one of your girls, Big Egg.
Better get out there and Kiss the rest of them for me Gav.
Gav, don’t forget to pop into Gnomesville! Just around the corner from Kel’s pizza. Well, sort of. 🙂