Ben (aka Eco Boy), has turned 9 today. He had a party with three friends yesterday, and they had a great time. All of the kids fed the chooks, played twister, ate lots of party food, and had a quick game of Jungle Party on the PS2, and then played in a tent on the deck for about an hour. I believe they really enjoyed themselves. After the party, Adam helped Ben hone his bike riding skills, and Ben can now ride his bike the length of the block without any trouble. With a bit more practice all the boys will go for a ride at a local park in a few weekends time.
Yesterday, I pottered around the garden, replanted the Chilean guava I bought a couple of weeks ago, into a larger pot (its only about 10cm tall), and watered some of the plants with tank water. I noticed that we have lots of small strawberries on our 10 plants (hokowase), with enough to fill about two punnets when they are ripe. Not bad, when I only had four plants last year, and the 10 this year are from the old plants runners. Also, Kim’s right leg has been playing up, with some weakness in one of her knees. She is having a fair bit of trouble walking so it looks like I will have to work from home tomorrow to look after her. Get better soon love!
Today we had a quiet affair. I got up at 6am, let the chooks out as I do every morning, watered the veggie garden until 7.30 and then went to Melton Waves to do my Hydrotherapy workout. When I returned, he received his presents, and Mum went a little overboard with the Indiana Jones lego. There was no wrapping paper in sight and mostly home made cards, which was great. Ben certainly didn’t mind, that’s for sure.
At 10.30, I took Amy home, as she now lives in Ballarat with two of her uni friends, and she moved out on Friday last. Megan tagged along for the trip as well, and Amy gave us the grand tour of her shared house, and it is nice place for the price they are paying for rent. Not much of a garden though, but I did find an old apple tree that was in flower, some mint and rosemary in the only garden bed! A very low maintenance yard with no lawn. Just what 3 party girls need! The rest of the yard was landscaped a very long time ago, and is manageable.
The drive back was uneventful, but the fuel economy was great. I clocked up 5.2 L/100km, which was not bad seeing that I had the aircon on most of the way, with temperatures reaching 30 degrees at one stage.
In the afternoon, Ben had one of his friends around, and we all had a BBQ dinner. Adam and Stacey turned up for dinner, and bought Ben a Spygear Lazer tripwire, that he now has set up in his room. It goes off every time Kim or I walk in his room! He just crawls under it and laughs at us.
After a very eventful and fun weekend, I am tired and ready for bed and a good nights sleep.
Goodnight all and Happy Birthday Son.
I you were my dad, I’d be really proud of you 🙂
Happy Birthday Ben
Phil and Stacey
happy birthday BEN you should have my card.
sounds like the boy wonder had a great day Happy birthday to you Ben from Nana Elliexoxoxo