Those are the words of a much different person now, reflection about what I was doing with my life, where I wanted to be etc etc are all questions we ask ourselves at one stage or another in our lives, constantly seeking the ultimate happiness, buying the latest gadgets, but not feeling a sense of contentment or satisfaction after buying them. So eventually after this long eye opening journey with Gavin, I now know the meaning of being happy and content. It’s not about spending money all the time or going away on the latest holidays, it’s about being around the people you love, finding inner peace and contentment with the things we already own and it’s a whole new feeling that comes from growing your own fruit and vegetables. Going out into the garden and picking what you need for lunch or dinner and preparing it gives you such a buzz, and all I want to do now is turn the whole garden into a thriving vegetable and fruit block.
I watched Gardening Australia on Saturday night with Peter Cundall doing his last episode and I sat there with tears rolling down my face (Gavin was too!!) as he described exactly what growing your own vegetables was all about and the effects it can have on your life. It was so true and I said to Gavin that Pete just summed up everything I was feeling and I thanked Gavin for showing me another way to look and live our lives.
I can only see this as the beginning to a wonderful new adventure for both of us. So getting back to the blog, I love art and craft and I hate to throw things out, if I can find a way to reuse something then I will and even better if I can save money, so my posts will still be more on the crafty side, I will leave the technical stuff to Gavin!!
Crazy Mumma says
Hi Kim, welcome to blogland!
Glad to see I wasn’t the only wuss who cried on Saturday night 😉 Looking forward to hearing more from your aspect of your journey – I love reading stories of people who have made similar life choices to me and my family.
Cheers, Julie
Kel says
welcome to the Bloggerdome!
wombat064 says
That was 2 sticks of dynamite you used for your fist blog, eh Kim ?
I think youve just blown bloggerland clean of carbon..
Sharon J says
Hi Kim. Nice to ‘meet’ you 🙂
Keep on posting – that first one was a great read 🙂
Sharon J (from Blighty)
john (dad) says
good on u kim. good reading. keep supporting the man behind his blog,s
Lis says
Hi Gavin and Kim,
You guys got a mention on this story about their Green Awards –,23599,24090468-5017640,00.html
Gavin says
Thanks Lis, I can’t believe my eyes. That sneaky son of mine. I will have to give him a hug and quickly put up a post to let everyone know. It is a rare opportunity that green bloggers get media attention!
Julie says
Hi Kim, looking forward to hearing more from you!