Well I told you that I hadn’t forgotten Episode 17. Here is the podcast that I recorded on Tuesday 26th April, testing out some new recording software which I decided to turn into a radio show episode.
Let me know what you think. Should I give this type of podcast a go, or is it a waste of time?
If you enjoyed the podcast, please pop over to iTunes and rate it and leave a review. You can also do the same within Stitcher Radio if you use that service. It would help me out so much, and elevate the ratings so that others can find out about the podcast and learn about sustainable living in the ‘burbs.
You can subscribe to the show via RSS or iTunes or Stitcher for your portable device. Just use the subscription buttons below.

Until next time, stay green and keep keen!
Hi Gavin,
Just want to say that I love the podcasts.
I live in the heart of suburbia and do not grow vegies nor do I have chickens but, surprisingly I am finding the podcast interviews extremely interesting. They contain a lot of good ideas and information that even I can apply. I do have green inclinations so I’m always keen to find new ways which are simple and practical.
The latest podcast was not my cup of tea. I listen to them when I have a spare moment. So, with a cuppa, I sit back, and enjoy the peace and quiet of my little corner of the world. Whether the music is hard rocking or not I guess I’m tuning in for the green thinking and input. And I love the fact that I’m hearing from other Australians/real people who are passionate about what they do.
I look forward to more podcasts.
Green radio! I love it! 🙂
Well, Gavin, I turned it off after 30 seconds of that music. Sorry. I love to hear what you have to say but not mixed in with your music! One problem is that music needs to be listened to through good speakers etc which I do not always have connected to my laptop.
Thanks Carolyn, TechChik and Kate for your honest feedback. I listened to the podcast whilst I was in hospital and didn’t really like the format myself. I think I will stick to commentary mainly with snippets of songs if at all.
Gav x