You would think that selling well crafted handmade soap would be fairly easy, wouldn’t you?
Well it’s not. If you want to ensure that you’re not going to lose your home in the process, you have to make sure that you are covered by an insurance product for any soap that you make and sell. Here in Australia it’s called Product Liability Insurance.
To cut a long story short and after some further investigation today, we found that our business insurance, which we thought covered us for making and selling soap, does not. Even though we specifically told the company that we intended on making and selling our own soap when we took it out, we have been told that it was not part of the deal.
So unfortunately we took the decision to delist all of our handmade soap from Little Green Workshops until we find some a company that will cover us for that product. We are risk averse when it comes to the potential loss of everything we hold dear in our sustainable lifestyle. All it would take is one malice individual to take us to court for damages and we would lose the lot. Not something I want to lose sleep about each night even though we have personally been using our handmade soap for over five years without incident.
The funny thing was that every other product we sell was okay, including our workshops. It was the for soap we lovingly made ourselves that was the issue. Sometimes I don’t know how small cottage industries survive in this environment, and I thank our business planning foresight that we did not build our entire simple living business around this one product.
My mission on Wednesday is to seek out product liability insurance that covers us for handmade soap without breaking the bank. Then Kim and I will have to decide if it the cost is actually worth the potential sales we would make. We will have to wait and see.
Anyway, that doesn’t stop us making soap for our own personal enjoyment and for friends and family. We love the fact that we know exactly what ingredients are in our soap and that it is gentle on our skin and gentle on the planet.
In fact, I have something to share with you all. We have a new soap making technique to share with you all. It is our Lemon Cream Pie Soap recipe that I have also made into a video tutorial. You can find the soap tutorial over at Little Green Workshops blog as well as an ingredient and equipment list so you can replicate our results!
Once we have sorted out the insurance issues, I will give you another update about what I have discovered because I had so many emails from you about the process of selling soap when I wrote my last post about the subject.
I suppose it’s all part of the our green business journey. Never a dull day in paradise!