Way back at the start of the year I wrote a post about Pip Magazine. Robyn Rosenfeldt was seeking funding via crowdsourcing to launch Australia’s first permaculture magazine in 10 years.
I caught up with Robyn during this episode to see how things were progressing with the magazine (now in its second issue), to learn a little bit more about Robyn herself and her lifestyle.
I found Robyn to be very down to earth who practices what she preaches. Permaculture is imbedded in all things throughout her family’s lifestyle including the conversion of their 2 acre piece of land at Pambula on the south coast of New South Wales.
Robyn also talks about how she started the magazine and how you can submit ideas for articles to her.
You can find her contact details, social media links, and where to buy or how to subscribe to the magazine at www.pipmagazine.com.au
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Until next time, stay green and keep keen!