As you may know, I make home brew beer. Not only is it economical at 20 cents a bottle, it deliciously thirst quenching, and quite welcome after a hard days graft in the garden.
Not that I am promoting consumption of alcohol, far from it. Everything in moderation of course.
However, if you are into beer or cider, this podcast episode is for you!
So, as I am currently recovering from a knee operation, I took the liberty of ripping a recording I made way back in June 2010 that I made during a home brew workshop that I gave. The information is still very relevant and is how I make beer here at home. I talk about making cider from a kit, and how to make beer from a kit including primary and secondary fermentation, and how to bottle the beer. There is also a Q&A at the end with audience interaction.
The audio is a little bit noisy, and I cleaned it up best I could, however the content is full of gold nuggets for anyone thinking of making their own home brew beer.
Also, if you want to learn more about home brew beer making, then this link will take to you all the blog posts I have ever written about the process;
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Until next time, stay green and keep keen!