Is your place a house or a home? Kim and I have some thoughts on the subject in today’s podcast episode.
Welcome back. Sorry for the hiatus, but we’ve been working and launched a big project over the last 3 months, which we’ll talk about in next week’s episode.
Today we are going to be talking about why we think our house is a home and what the difference is between the two. And answer the question on whether being happy at home has something to do with a reduced need for getting away on holidays each year.
There may be some background noise, as we are travelling in our Honda Civic Hybrid car from Ballarat to our home in Melton. We think the conversation is fun all the same.
Until next week, have a great week of sustainable living!
Chime in with your thoughts about what makes a house a home. We would love to read your thoughts via comment.
A good place to start is with your local council. Most councils are composed of people (usually no-hopers and oxygen thieves) trying to win local pre-selection into their chosen political party (usually the ALP or the Greens), hence they are very conscious of garnishing votes from the great un-washed. A few letters or phone calls to a particular member, promising votes, can achieve a lot, from easing restrictions on keeping chooks, or other live-stock, to using the verge between the front fence and the kerb, to grow flowers and vegetables.
Give it a try- what do you have to lose?