Catching up with friends made via this community is always a treat. Sarhn McArthur-Gumbley is one of those many friends that I have made over the years via this podcast and blog but never met.
Sarhn’s first visit to the show was way back in episode 014 where she was living in inner Sydney, well on her journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
A photographer by trade, she greened up her business and her lifestyle because it was the right thing to do.
Since we first talked back in 2011, she and her family have moved to a small town in the Southern Highlands of NSW about 1.5 hours from Sydney. She also has a toddler that keeps her on her toes!
All this and living a sustainable lifestyle as well. Learn how she fits it all in to her day. I tip my hat to you Sarhn!
You can connect with Sarhn at and click-through using the social media buttons.
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What a great write up Gav – thankyou. It is funny that I too consider you a friend but we have never met – one day soon we will change that. 🙂
My pleasure Sarhn! Hope you enjoyed the final recording.