I have had to scale back with blogging and podcasting this week due to a couple of issues.
Firstly, I lost my voice. After interviewing 40 people at Monash Uni as part of my day job, I strained my vocal chords so much that I have had to resort to this;
That age of classic soother for a sore throat. Honey and Lemon! If it gets worse, I will opt for my Laryngitis cure of Thyme tea. Therefore, there was no podcast this week, as I would have sounded like a croaky old toad. Not a good sound at all.
Secondly, Kim has not been well for the last two weeks, with Ben and I looking after her. She has had mobility issues, and very sore hands. We believe it may be MS related.
We visited her GP on Tuesday evening, and he tended to agree, but wanted a spate of blood work to be done. She is resting as I write, watching as she calls it “mind numbing TV”. This ailment is slowly getting better, so hopefully we are over the worst of it.
So as you can probably tell, everything around here is on the back burner. We are taking one day at a time, and will bounce back once we are all back on our feet.
See you on the other side.
Gav & Kim x
Hope your family is on the improve soon and hopefully the blood work will indicate something other than MS. Take care, family and health come first over everything.
Hi Kathy. Thanks for the kind words. She was diagnosed with remitting/relapsing MS in 1999, so this is just one of the symptoms that she gets occasionally. x
hope things improve for you and kim
Thanks Dad. We’re taking it easy this weekend, so at least I will feel better by Monday (I hope). It should take another week for Kim to be up and about again. x
Best wishes to you both. I suppose Ben is doing all the cooking, housework and gardening? 😉
Cheers Bev. Funny you should say that. He did cook me dinner last night for the first time ever! He really has stepped up to the plate, helping Kim during the day and getting on with his school work by himself. x
Get well soon Gavin and Kim. Resting to revive sounds like just the treatment you both need.
It certainly is Astrid. Sometime I just don’t know when to slow down.
Get better Kim. Sounds like your boys are taking good care of you. At least it is quiet for your restful recovery with Gav not being able to talk. 🙂
Very cheeky Sarhn! 😉
Hope you are on the mend soon and best wishes to your wife.
Hope you and Kim feel better ASAP! Its horrible when we are feeling un-well! All the best!
I was sorry to read that you and Kim have both been unwell. I hope you are both feeling better soon.
So sorry to hear you’ve both been unwell Gavin. I had laryngitis about a month ago and it really knocked me flat for a few days so take care of your voice, yourself and Kim
– I had no idea I talked so much until I couldn’t. Of course the family informed they were well aware of just how much I talk 🙂 Hoping you are both feeling much better and are back to normal very soon.
Sorry to hear of your illnesses, take care. I believe with all your great home grown produce you can keep even serious illnesses at bay. My daughter who has polysyctic kidney disease is proof of that! Keep up the great work guys……..luv Nola