Influencing others is often so subtle that you don’t realise that you are doing it! Whenever you talk about your sustainable lifestyle with passion, others pick up on that, and you may just get them thinking that they could also do that in their own lives.
If anything, a sustainable lifestyle is infectious when you share honest stories about what you do and how you live.
During this episode, Kim and I share our own stories about how, upon reflection, have subtly influenced others without really realising it.
Oh, and there are chicken stories as well!
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Talk about influence. Do you know you’ve driven me crazy all weekend. I’ve had to double take every time i went to turn on the kettle!!!!! Arghhhhhhh
Being politically agnostic won’t get us anywhere. You have to call a spade a spade and come out in favour of the policies that will matter. The anti-climate change lobby aren’t afraid to say what they think the policies and the taxes should be. Those who care about the environment can’t afford to be silent or politically agnostic. Don’t be afraid to say what you think we need: does the environment need a carbon tax? yes it does, then say so.
Hey Jennifer. Thanks for the kick up the behind that I needed. I wrote a post yesterday describing exactly what I have been mulling over the last few days. The discussion is causing quite a storm on my facebook page. Cheers x