Potato and Leek Frittata is one of the simplest meals to make. You only need a few ingredients that are readily available at the greengrocer or in your own garden.
In fact it probably wouldn’t surprise you to learn that this meal I made for lunch today was 100% homegrown on our little suburban food farm! I grew the leeks, potatoes, eggs, parsley, and beans. I harvested the veggies about 30 minutes before I cooked our lunch, so you can’t get much fresher than that.
Here is how I made it.
Potato and Leek Frittata
Serves two
- 6 free range eggs, lightly beaten
- 1 large leek, halved and finely sliced
- 2 medium potatoes, skin on and diced
- 2 sprigs parsley, roughly chopped
- 2 runner beans, sliced.
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan, add leeks and saute until translucent.
- Move leeks to side of pan, add potatoes and fry for 5 minutes or until soft. Stir to ensure even cooking.
- Mix leeks and potatoes and shake pan to distribute evenly over bottom of pan.
- Turn heat to medium. Pour eggs into frying pan and cover with lid. Sprinkle chopped parsley and runner bean over top.
- Cook until eggs have set. If frittata is still runny on top, place frying pan under grill until cooked.
- Turn out onto a plate and divide into portions. Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
Not only is this dish simple, it is very delicious and healthy.
What do you think; is it something you would try?