Lets work through a hypothetical scenario, shall we?
If I had a life threatening disease (which I don’t) it would be common sense that I would seek medical advice.
Now lets say that I happened to visit ten specialist doctors to seek an opinion or cure. Nine of those specialists inform me that I need to get the disease treated, but only one said that it was nothing to worry about. What do you think I would do? What would you do?
Of course I would listen to the majority of credible medical experts and do something about it. I would take the necessary treatment, and probably get better. So would you.
Well the same goes for climate change. An overwhelming percentage of climate scientists tell us that we need to do something about climate change, and the vast minority say don’t worry, be happy.
In fact of the peer-reviewed climate papers written between November 2012 and December 2013, 9136 authors agree that climate change is happening and is caused by human activity. One did not.
Either some of us are listening to the wrong expert or have a vested interest in the status quo.

Source: http://www.desmogblog.com/2014/01/08/why-climate-deniers-have-no-scientific-credibility-only-1-9136-study-authors-rejects-global-warming
So as in my medical example, I have sided with the majority of real experts in this field and am trying to do my best to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
I take action each and every day by not only treating my own lifestyle, but I attempt to communicate a message to others in a way that will not make them switch off. Well I hope that is what I do. Please let me know if that is the case!
To drive the message home that it is better to listen to credible experts more than your crackpot Uncle Barry when it comes to the subject of climate change, let me leave you with this video created by the Climate Council. It is a really important science announcement.
The science and the Earth doesn’t care what they believe because it is not about beliefs. I don’t believe in climate change. I understand and acknowledge the work of thousands of real experts on the issue.
It is about facts. Cold, hard facts. The fact that over 99.99% of climate scientists state that it is happening and is caused by us shoots that persons argument down in flames.
As you would with any bigoted person mouthing off in public, you should do the same thing with climate change. Shoot them down. Politely tell them otherwise, and accept nothing less than the facts!
If you need some of those facts, have a look at skepticalscience.com. John Cook has written an easy myth busting article on climate change denial. Short, easy to use facts, for that next summer BBQ!
Next time you find yourself in an awkward situation about climate change denial, speak out. It is the only way we are going to break the deadlock of Uncle Rupert’s most anti-science biased media.
Over to you dear reader.