On this day, the Australian Government voted to repeal our effective climate change laws, and chose to dump them at the bottom of a coal-pit. I shall call it Black Thursday.
I, along with millions of Australians fought hard for these laws to be passed a few years ago, to reduce our country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Laws that were working and reduced carbon emissions in the industry sectors that were covered by these laws. Now, these laws are no longer.
And what has replaced them? A big fat nothing, that’s what!
We have no effective carbon reduction laws in effect at this present time.
I am sad for my children. I feel sad for their children.
I feel sad knowing that they will not look favourably at this day some time in the not so distant future and say to themselves “What on Earth were they thinking?”. All the while up to their ankles in seawater in many of our major cities.
It makes me angry that there are some short-sighted politicians in our parliament, who are not willing to listen to the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change. It makes me angry that vested interests wield such power over our current government. The political will is sadly lacking.
But you know what makes me glad. It was something that Al Gore once said . He said that political will is a renewable resource. That it is.
That it is.
More to follow, whilst I ponder what actions I can take to help turn this around…
Hi Gavin, i read this at work this morning and thought of you. Sometimes the rampant stupidity of our so called representatives just beggars belief. Politicians always seem to forget they work for us – not the other way round. Good luck.
Thanks CW. I agree. Politicians usually follow what the people demand. If enough demand action, they will take action. It should never be the other way around in a democracy.
Don’t give up hope. There is a growing group of people that are making changes in their own way to combat climate change and I can only imagine that number to grow.
There have been many times I have spoken to people that vote for a party like the Greens and they are using on a plastic straw or a plastic bag! I think people need realise that we as can vote for a Party to change our country OR we can do it ourselves. Grassroots action is where it starts. Forget the players at the top and work from the bottom out.
Cheers Erin. Hope restored today, after a long hard think last night. More determined than ever to keep fighting the good fight.
Grassroots actions is definitely where we can gain traction on this.
Whilst on the subject of grassroots, do you know anyone in your area who would like a Climate Reality Leader (me) to present the facts and solutions to them? Let me know. I am sure we can organise something!
Hey Gavin, I sent you an email. Talk soon!
Sadly, the same lunacy in Canada. PM Abbott and PM Harper seem to be cut from the same cloth, as noted on Abbott’s recent visit. (H. Clinton gave a verbal slap on the wrist to both, when she said on the CBC interview that environment vs economy was a ‘False Choice”. Here is what our ‘LeadNow’ group has said:
Today is a sad day for all communities around the world who are and will suffer the effects of climate change. Australia has become the first country in the world to repeal its carbon tax.
While this is a major setback in the global fight against climate change and the fossil fuel industry, the fight is not over. We must take this as an opportunity to continue and intensify the battle against fossil fuels at home and abroad. Let’s ensure Canada becomes a leader in this global fight instead of a pariah. Let’s start by telling the National Energy Board: No Climate Science? No Real Debate? No Legitimacy for the Energy East pipeline http://www.leadnow.ca/energy-east/
Australia repeals carbon tax
Australia repealed laws forcing companies to pay for carbon emissions, making it the world’s first…
I hear you Judy. These two are indeed cut from the same cloth, and I don’t like the colour of their fabric! Best of luck against Harper and his backers.
I can only agree, it is a sad day for Australia and our future generations, just so that these d**kheads can score political points. So many lies have been told to the Australian public. Well, (please don’t delete me for that emotional spit!), I am encouraged to remember what you all have written here, that our sustainable lifestyle, lived on a daily basis, will be upheld and fought for by an ever-growing group of people working to combat climate change.
Thats okay Suezan. Everyone is entitled to an emotional outburst once in a while. It is encouraging that there are now so many people who live like this daily, reducing emissions and telling others how easy it is to do it. Soldier on!
First anger, then sadness, disbelief and frustration….but you know what…having read your post, and others, and thinking about the rapidly growing community of people around Australia and the world, it sustains my hope that good sense, ingenuity, wisdom will continue to grow and provide solutions to the issues we are all currently facing…..keep on doing what you are doing Gavin….your practical solutions and passion for the green lifestyle is infectious…and there’s lots more of you out there…and yes, we will look back on history and be saddened by the narrow bloody mindedness of your current leader…but hopefully also with pride about the actions we are taking ourselves to combat these issues…..
Thanks so much Brigitte. Your comment really picked me up. x
Feeling your pain, Gavin. I try not to think about it too much – all the things the politicians do – it makes me too mad/sad/angry. Better to focus on what I can do…thinking about things I have no control over is too painful : /
Great advise Lindsay. I have refocused my efforts and am planning several climate reality presentations in my community.
The decision to repeal the carbon tax is short sighted, selfish, and above all STUPID! I truly have no words to describe the despair this decision brings.