As global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide pass through 400 parts per million, vested interests are still campaigning against action on climate change. Listen to the good, the bad, and the downright ugly facts about this global issue.
I call the facts out as I see them, backed by sound science. Over 97% of climate scientists cannot be wrong.
In fact at one stage I get a little angry and emotional during this episode. Also, a minor correction. I mention that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change just released their third report. It is actually their fifth report. Sorry about that listeners.
Reference links mentioned during this episode, Climate Change Beyond 400ppm;
- Carbon Dioxide Levels Climb Into Uncharted Territory for Humans
- State of the Climate 2014 – Bureau of Meteorology
- Peter Cundall interview
- We Know Which Australians are ‘For’ Coal
- IPCC Climate Change 2014 – Mitigation of Climate Change
- RipeNearMe – local, home-grown food map
- RipeNearMe promo video
All this news doesn’t depress me, it just drives me harder to promote a lower consumption lifestyle, like voluntary simplicity or sustainable living. Let’s take action before it is too late. For the kids, and their kids. Please.
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Until next time, stay green and keep keen!
Jabir says
Great podcast Gav
Gavin Webber says
Thanks Jabir, glad you liked it.