A great show this week!
Firstly I talk about a few events that are coming up soon. This weekend I am attending the opening of the Shoestring Gardening Aquaponic installation at the Eco Living Centre which is located at 28 Ridge Dve, Wyndamvale, Victoria. The event is being held between 2 to 4 pm on Saturday 12th April. Say gidday if you are going along.
The next event is a Cheese making presentation that I am giving at Ivanhoe Library on Tuesday 22nd July from 7 – 8 pm. I will be presenting not demonstrating, so will be covering the basics of home cheese making and how easy it is to start making delicious cheese in your very own home. It should be an entertaining evening, and is free to attend.
Lastly, a bit of news. I was interviewed for Green Lifestyle Magazine last month. They did a profile about me, my family’s journey, and what it mean to live a more sustainable lifestyle. It will be an interesting read, and it appears in the May/June issue. It should be available in all good newsagents in Australia, and will feature on the Green Lifestyle Mag website in due course.
Now to the guts of the show. During this episode I answer many listener questions recorded via my blog. I didn’t realise that there were so many, so it was high time I answered these on air.
The questions ranged from what to do with green tomatoes, to Solar PV benefits, and much much more.
A big thank you goes out to everyone who left a message to play on the show. I really enjoy answering them for you. If you have a question and would like it answered on the podcast then pop over to https://www.speakpipe.com/Gavin_Webber or use the widget on the right hand side of the blog, and leave me a voice-mail.
It doesn’t cost a cent. However, please make sure that you listen to your recording to check the quality before hitting the send button, because I can’t answer them if I can’t hear them properly.
Links mentioned during the show;
- Green Tomato Chutney
- Transition Dreams and The Future of Shopping
- Resources page
- Little Green Cheese blog
If you enjoyed the podcast, please pop over to iTunes and rate it and leave a comment. You can also do the same within Stitcher Radio if you use that service. It would help me out so much, and elevate the ratings so that others can find out about the podcast and learn about sustainable living in the ‘burbs.
You can subscribe to the show via RSS or iTunes or Stitcher for your portable device. Just use the subscription buttons below.

Until next time, stay green and keep keen!
Is Kim going with you Sat?
No, Kim’s mum is here from the UK, so she is spending the afternoon with her. However, Ben will be coming to look at how fish are grown.