What we desperately need now are solutions. Solutions and examples of how to live in harmony with our environment, how to provide for ourselves in a sustainable way within a steady state economy.
Pemaculture principles, which is not just about gardening, lends itself to provide many of the solutions that we seek and need in these troubled times.
That is why I am fully behind Robyn Rosenfeldt of Pip: Australian Permaculture Magazine who is crowd sourcing the delivery of the first issue.
Learn about what it is all about in this promotional video.
From the Pozible page;
“As David Holmgren; the co-originator of permaculture says “The most powerful thing we can do to change the world is to create the world we do want rather than trying to stop the world we don’t want.”
The aim of this magazine is to share stories, ideas and inspiration about how to create a world that can survive into the future; showcasing people and groups who are doing great things around the country and beyond to live more sustainably as well as offering practical advice about how to implement permaculture into your life.”
I like the sound of that. To that end, I have personally pledged A$50 to the cause, because as you well know, I am a solutions kind of bloke. Practical and action oriented.
I am proud to support this great initiative.
If you think it is a worthy cause, you too can help fund the first issue here; http://www.pozible.com/project/175807
Well done Robyn and team for getting this far!
Nina says
Wishing Robyn the best of luck with her enterprise. Do you read http://www.permaculture.co.uk? (Can you read uk sites?)
No rain here for 12 hours..! more to come.. Now the Thames is flooding. Anything that helps to spread the word about the effect we are having on our planet is great!
Gavin Webber says
Hi Nina. I agree, most of the solutions are already freely available, just need to be collated.
I visit the UK permaculture mag on occasion, and find some really useful tips, but it is not really suited to the Aussie conditions.
Hope the rain abates soon. We could use a bit of it over here!
Nina says
I know what you mean.. we subscribed to Mother Earth (American) for a while but it wasn’t so relevant to us..
Looks like it will be another late starter this year for planting those early seeds. (Last year we were covered in snow, which delayed planting).. everything is waterlogged. Sooo looking forward to a bright spring morning!
Lynda says
Hello there, this looks like a great medium to spread the word. You really have your finger on the pulse. I can just picture feature articles about you and Jessie. As usual you are putting your $ where you mouth is (you do know that’s not good for you now dont you). Cheers Gav. Sorry ive been missing in action, so many of your posts and pod casts to catch up on.
Gavin Webber says
Cheers Lynda. Never apologise mate, I know how hectic life can be!
Gav x