Oh the joy of recording in 40°C heat! I wonder if I should record an episode on how to minimize perspiration naturally! Sounds like a plan.
Not that I am complaining, as I do enjoy researching and producing these green quick tips to share with you. You may have noticed that there was no episode produced on Monday just past. It was the Australia Day holiday here Down Under, so I took the day off. Mind you, I was sick as well, so that did not help. Much better now.
So on with the show. Here are the three latest episodes;
Episode Nine; Green Quick Tips for Keeping Backyard Chickens. A subject dear to my heart. I have a flock of 9 hens that keep me flush with free range eggs, keep my garden fertilized, and keep my veggie patch weed seed and pest free. What is not to like about backyard chooks!
Episode Ten; Green Quick Tips for Harvesting Rainwater. Saving water is easy when you collect your own in rainwater barrels, cisterns, or rainwater tanks. Whatever you call them, it saves you money in the long run and allows you to grow much of your own food for free!
Episode Eleven; Green Quick Tips for Energy Smart Cooking. Want to save energy in the kitchen? This episode discusses the pros and cons of using electricity or natural gas to cook your food, including tips to save you money which ever method you choose.
For those of you who want to directly download visit the podcast web site at ggqt.podbean.com
Until next time, stay keen and go green!