Just a heads up for all you wonderful readers.
The blog migration will occur tomorrow Saturday 1st February, starting at 1400 Australian Eastern Standard time. There will be no interruption to this blog, until the domain name swap the the new hosting service, where you will see the new layout.
Hopefully all will go well, as I am paying for a migration service to perform the task. If it all goes smoothly, I will be giving you all the details within the first post from my WordPress blog.
So dear reader, this will be the last post until Sunday or Monday (depending on the outcome).
Until then, keep keen and stay green and wish me luck!
Gav x
I see you’ve come over to the dark side. Ha ha good luck Mx
Good luck with the transition Gavin. Love your work and you’re a real inspiration! Just wondering whether you’ve considered blogging about greening your finances? I realised last year that despite everything I was doing in my personal life to make my life more sustainable and to go carbon neutral, I was unwittingly financing fossil fuels by banking with institutions (most notably ANZ) that lend to fossil fuel projects and investing in managed funds and super that include shareholdings in fossil fuel companies. Since then I’ve swapped banks and changed to a sustainable share option with my super fund (although I’m still not convinced by some of their investments, so am working on them). Would be interested in your views on these issues. More info at http://www.marketforces.org.au and http://www.350.org.au – go fossil free!
Hi Anon, I actually did write about divestment in this post here; Divesting from fossil fuels update
Gav x