If you are disappointed or even angry about the Australian Federal Government’s plans to dampen our country’s response by scrapping the price on carbon and removing all climate funding and governing bodies, then there is a way to voice your disgust and demand action.
The Australian Conservation Foundation states;
Australia now has laws that charge our largest polluters for the pollution they create, but that is only a step in an ongoing process. The price on pollution will cost the average Australian household only $9.90 a week, and many will be better off after receiving government compensation. The price of not acting on climate change will be far greater than an individual cost of $9.90 a week.
So lets act, and send a message to our Prime Minister and the government. This weekend there is a national day of climate action planned in each capital city, and in many regional centres. Many, many groups are involved to make it a massive event.
Or if you cannot attend, then think about giving a small donation to help support the events (organising takes money). You can donate at this link; https://www.acfonline.org.au/climate-appeal, which is what I did.
Hope you can make it.
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