I love writing! I find that once I declare something via this blog, I work at it furiously until complete.
My next eBook is no exception, which is about growing food on your suburban yard and is tentatively titled “The Suburban Food Farm”. So far I have written 2776 words and I am up to the second chapter. The first draft is coming along well, and I am pleased with the results so far. I am writing it from the perspective of my own experience and climatic conditions here in southern Victoria, however most tips and information is generic in nature.
I have been writing during my daily commute, but only in the mornings when I am fresh. I jot it all down on a small A5 ring bound notebook in pencil and transcribe it into MS Word when I get home.
When writing the last few books, I found myself burning the candle at both ends. However, this time I am writing about 500 words a day (about the size of a blog post), and stopping for the day. I find that the story and information flows much easier this way, and I am not knackered the next day.
Thanks for all the encouragement and suggestions last week when I reached out. All of your great ideas really helped to flesh out the book plan that I had half written. I realise now that I can always rely on your help when I need a bit of guidance.
So what else has been going on?
Well, Kim and I taught a Mozzarella and Ricotta workshop on Sunday to five lovely students. They all walked away with very tasty balls of mozzarella, and now know how simple it is to make ricotta at home. We really enjoyed it, and Kim took this picture of a not-so-ready Gavin to prove it. I swear that I was just about to smile (it must be the very groovy green hair net)!
We had our first barbeque for the season on Saturday, which was nice. However, I spent all morning cleaning and making repairs to the our old BBQ. We found that the flame tamer had rusted through and was useless, so I bought a new part and replaced it. Kim was adamant that I needed a new BBQ, but I would not have a bar of it. It works fine, and will last at least another few years.
So, other than a little bit of gardening, you can see that it was just a normal week around the house of TGOG.
I would hate to see a busy one!
Oh, and can I ask a favour? I know that some of you have purchased copies of my sustainable living eBooks over the past year, many from the major retailers that carry them. If you have time, could I ask that you visit the web page that your bought the eBook from and write a review (you can locate the retailer links here).
Note: when clicking through to my eBookstore, under each orange ‘buy now’ button there are links to the eBook retailers i.e. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple iBookstore etc. for each book. Click on the site you bought it from and away you go [thanks to FoodnStuff for picking that up].
Obviously if you think that the book you purchased is worth five stars then don’t hesitate to award that. I would be most grateful. However, if you only think it worth a few stars, then can you please mention what type of reader you think the book would benefit the most.
I realise that this request is a bit cheeky, but I have learnt many times over that if you don’t ask, you don’t get. We all know that when buying a book, we all look at the reviews as a form of social proof that the book is a quality product. So please, if you have time, have a go at writing a review and post it up on the retailers site. Thanks in advance.
So, with two interviews for podcasts (one for Little Green Cheese and another for the Massachusetts Climate Action Network), a bit of cheese making on Wednesday, and an invitation to the Changing Gears book release on Thursday night, I think this week may be fun!
Do you write notes throughout the day, Gavin? I’m a serial note-writer and sometimes feel that it gets out of hand. I have trouble managing them all.
I know what you mean about writing when you’re fresh. First thing in the morning is my time. By the end of the day I can hardly muster a sentence.
Hi Gavin. “The Suburban Food Farm” is a great title, as you say most tips and information is generic in nature so will appeal to all. I reckon folk will also love to read about your personal experience, especially digging up your front garden. My daughter-in-law uses their front yard in Brisbane for raised garden beds and a chook pen. Such a great use of space that would otherwise be just taken up with an unused lawn. (The kids play in the backyard where it is fenced.)
You pack plenty into your week, author, bbq repair, cheese making workshop and just to top it off you find time to model your new (green) headgear.
Love reading your blog.
Gav, I went to the ‘retailer links’ site you gave but I can’t find anywhwere to write a review or give stars. Am I missing something?
Yes, I should have been more specific. Under each orange buy now button there are links to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple iBookstore etc. for each book.
Click on the site you bought it from and away you go.
Thanks for picking that one up.
Looking forward to the next book!
Me too Jennifer. Just over 1000 words into the second chapter!
Gavin x